Plastic Granules ABS LG 121H
Plastic Granules ABS LG 121H is a resin with very good mechanical properties (including impact-resistant elasticity), which is the most widely used in the world.
Plastic Granules ABS LG 121H is used in the manufacture of helmets, plumbing, electronic accessories, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, toys,…
In the field of automobile manufacturing includes many structures such as automotive panels, external panels, interior cutting boards, steering plates, sound panels, door locks, wins and air ducts.
In electrical devices, it is widely used in refrigerators, TELEVISIONs, washing machines, air conditioners, computers, printers and other electronic devices.
Regarding building materials, ABS pipes, ABS sanitation equipment and ABS decorative boards are widely used in the building materials industry.
In addition, ABS is widely used in the packaging, furniture, sports and entertainment industries, machinery and measuring equipment.
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